a country I would like to visit

 in this moment a country I would to go is Canada , every time I like differents places and country but in this ocassion I preffer Canáda,I have relatives living in therer and they told me so much things about it, is a wonderful place with a lot variety of landscapes , but I like the idea to live in the city toronto , for a better lifestyle, try to work  for the future to have the nationality so living in there will be a dream but I one thing that I wish is can work in my professional career , to me is so important do my job, probably I will try to do a magister or  whatever thing can give me more knowledge about it moreover im not sure what will happen cause the way country works is different than here so I thought work in other area distinct where i am for a short time while try to validate certificate of universitary studies if I cant do this I would stay trying to visit a lot much places and  return my country what is more make money for a new adventures in this places or other for more experiences.


  1. woow my older brother love it this country, he will live there

  2. Canada is wonderful! I hope someday you can fulfill your dream of living there!

  3. It gets really cold in canada though, I don't know if I could live there for a long period of time.

  4. Canada looks like a wonderful and beautiful place, but I couldn't live there, I hate the cold, although you have a wonderful dream to follow.


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