The best holidays

 hi Im going to tell you was the best holidays that ever I had, it was the past year in december , I went to Viña del Mar, I know is the litoral central but was my first time get out just me alone with my boyfriend, was a week  but we met aquarius and we touched a baby shark although was little just for the name cause its size was bigger than a normal fish other sea animals was the starfish poisonous so you cant touch and a lot sea animals , apart from this we went to the beach every day and close this sector you can find Valparaiso, is next to Viña so in there has sea lions so big was cute to see  differents animals in their environment ,also we visited gorgeous restaurants , delicious foods and elegants drinks, I love the transition beach-shower-restaurant so after eat we danced and drunk so tastes things ,was the best , I think was a good idea go to in a down season because you can find hosting , places without crowed and space in the beach too, apart to distraction could be a lapse the time more intimate about your relationship cause you can know in a better way the other part on your couple to me is like romantic holidays so was the best. 


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